Friday, May 22, 2020

Positive And Negative Effect Of Diversity On Diversity

As the perspectives on diversity’s impact diverge, scholars have acknowledged the need to understand the circumstances in which diversity can be either beneficial or detrimental to teams (Pieterse et al., 2013). In this study, we have shown that there are positive and negative effects of diversity on change and performance. As explained in section 1, Kuntz et al. (2012) put forward that dispositional variables such as individual-level background and personality play a role in the cognitive interpretation of change and its acceptance. Self-efficacy is a widely cited personality factor related to change acceptance and commitment (Paglis and Green, 2002). Research demonstrates that the employee’s acceptance and commitment to the change†¦show more content†¦This is an interesting finding as we would expect homogeneous teams with members ranking all high in self-efficacy to be more engaged and committed to the change. We could explain this by the fact that people ra nking high in self-efficacy within the group stand out and lead others towards the change. Leadership has been widely accepted as a critical factor in change acceptance and commitment (Herold et al., 2008). Managers who perceive themselves as being able to lead the change are more eager to start the change initiatives and to persevere when facing resistance obstacles (Paglis and Green, 2002). Going further than Paglis and Green’s study, team members with high self-efficacy influence others in a diverse group and therefore positively influence the team members’ commitment to change in a group. Self-efficacy diversity therefore is instrumental in understanding the positive relationship between individual self-efficacy and change commitment in teams. Bandura et al. (1988) demonstrated that self-efficacy not only influences an individual’s choices and effort but also their achievements. Therefore, we would have expected a positive relationship between self-efficacy and peer-rated performance in heterogeneous teams. In this study we have found no direct link between self-efficacy and peer-rated performance (using linear regressions, hypothesis 1 a)). Through goal-setting, the literature has shown that people who rank high inShow MoreRelatedAdvantages And Disadvantages Of Diversity In The Workplace1257 Words   |  6 Pagesintroducing diversity in the workforce. I will also look at how diversity can cause a business to become less profitable. The reason I chose this topic is because I do not know the negative effects diversity could have on a business and it intrigues me. There has been much publicity in the media about the benefits of introducing diversity in the workforce. Yet, there has not been as much about the conseque nces of introducing diversity. 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